Acupuncture in research and the news
Articles from the leading bodies and news
There is an ongoing surge of interest surrounding acupuncture and its effectiveness in treating various conditions; below is a list of just some of the more important or interesting ones.
- National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) on Acupuncture and lower back pain
- National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) on Acupuncture and osteoarthritis
- World Health Organisation (WHO) recognises the efficacy of acupuncture for the following conditions
- Battlefield acupuncture: for the rapid relief of pain
- The Telegraph (2011): Acupuncture has a 'significant' effect on patients with mystery symptoms
- The Sunday Times (2009): Scientists find acupuncture can help to relieve chronic back pain
- The Guardian (2005): It's official: acupuncture really works
Research papers on the British Acupuncture Council website
Information from The British Acupuncture Council
Below is a list, published by the British Acupuncture Council, reviewing the research done on the efficacy of acupuncture on various conditions.
- Bronchial asthma and acupuncture:The evidence for effectiveness
- Substance abuse and acupuncture: The evidence for effectiveness
- HIV infection and traditional Chinese medicine: The evidence for effectiveness
- Menopause and acupuncture: The evidence for effectiveness
- Gynaecology and acupuncture: The evidence for effectiveness
- Arthritis and acupuncture: the evidence for effectiveness
- Stroke and Acupuncture: The evidence for effectiveness
- Migraine and Acupuncture: The evidence for effectiveness